Re: failure notice (about
> Osirusoft is not a blocklist, it is just an aggregate of other lists.
> Jared is not listing you, he's simply distributing lists which do. If
> stop the spamming for which you are personally responsible, the
> maintaners will remove your IP addresses from their lists.
Osirusoft is NOT JUST an aggregate of other lists.
Simple... just type in, and find another RBL
listed.... and then tell me that Osirusoft's list is using that list.
You won't find it. Why? Because Osirusoft's Joe Jared has an internal
list, and THAT is where iAdvantage is listed. Why did he do this? Because
the other lists, including SPEWS, no longer list iAdvantage. WHY? Because
the complaints against iAdvantage are far trivial compared to the number
of complaints against Sprint and other USA carriers.
> A quick google search
> reveals 174 threads concerning iAdvantage spam.
Yeah... and I probably wrote a bunch of them personally. Note... not 174
THREADS... thats 174 postings. Get it right. For a large hosting
corporation, I reckon that is actually a very small number. For comparison
I'd also draw your attention to:
reveals 2620 messages concerning rackspace spam
reveals 4260 messages concerning Telstra spam.
What do you think now?
> Further, the SPEWS record for iAdvantage
> says, and I quote, "Zentek (Jason Lim) is a spam-house, Iadvantage
> tolerates spammers.
Thats right... because I'm one of the first people to complain about this
and probably the most vocal (and I'll continue to do so until others see
the truth). Maybe the other people in HK don't have good enough English to
argue the support themselves, but I do, and they can't just go around
bashing HK all they want without someone putting up a fight.
BTW, I'd be very happy if iAdvantage was owned by me... it being a
multimillion dollar, publically listed corporation and all. I'm actually
kind of flattered that SPEWS thinks I'm running the show there.
We're one of their customers using their bandwidth... they are one of the
highest performance bandwidth facilities in HK which is why we use them
for our bandwidth.
iAdvantage provides bandwidth to many hundreds of large corporations in
HK... overall i'd say many thousands of websites are hosted there (mostly
Chinese probably). So with one fell swoop all these sites can no longer
send email properly. Can we say collateral damage to the max?
> >Might I suggest 3 effective alternatives (there are many others, but
> >ones I've tested and are good):
> Might I suggest refusing all email from Zebtek and iAdvantage until such
> time as they quit providing spam support.
Oh please... do yourself a favour and don't show yourself to be a fool...
See for yourself when the last Zentek spam issue was... 13 months ago?
Maybe more?
Anyway... I suggest you also block Sprint and Rackspace, since they get
far more complaints than iAdvantage. Go on... do it. Don't dare to?
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