Re: failure notice (about
> you seem to have a chip on YOUR shoulder about the osirusoft RBLs. this
> is not the first time you have bitched about them in public.
Yes... yes I do. I will bitch about things that I see are bad, and try and
do things about it (like offer better alternatives). Perhaps you are one
to sit on your ass and do nothing.
> amusingly, however, you completely discredit your line of argument by
> suggesting that is a viable substitute.
> isn't even a good RBL let alone any kind of a substitute for osirusoft,
> their moronic automation policies (and inevitably inadequate automation
> software) result in an enormous number of false positives. to put it
> bluntly, anyone using is either running only a tiny
> personal mail server or is a complete barking moron. or both.
YOU have a chip on YOUR shoulder about the spamcop RBL. this is not the
first time you have bitched about them in public.
> your sole complaint against osirusoft is that they list numerous open
> relays and spam-sources in Asia which (potentially?) affects you
> personally. tough luck. find yourself an ISP which a) has a clue about
> running & securing mail servers and b) doesn't allow open relays or
> spammers on their network.
And what if someone does business in Asia? Oh... your braindead solution
of "find another ISP" doesn't cut it for business. Basically you'd be
telling people to "move out of Asia" instead?
Or maybe you don't have Asian friends that live in Asia.
How narrow minded.
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