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Re: e1000 problems

> > If you have a system mostly working except for the network interface, it might
> > be as simple as installing a new kernel image to resolve your problem.  If
> > you're still stuck trying to install, let me know and I'll try to get you a
> > fresher iso to work with.
> > 
> Well, not that easy without net. I thought it could work to place an appropriate vmlinuz into EFI/debian on the fat partition the system is booting from? I could use win to do the job, but I had to get a vmlinuz.
> I tried to download the 
> kernel-image-2.4.19-itanium.deb
> placed it on a FAT partition and tried to install it onto the base debian which is already running. But this depends on initrd-tools_0.1.36_all.deb which depends on .... So this procedure is perhaps not the right way to continue. Any ideas? BTW, I'm not very common with debian. Watched other people installing it one or two times and now at least that there is dpkg and apt-get and things like that, but not much more.

Ok, I found out to extract a file with dpkg --fsys-tarfile ... | tar -xf - and extracted a vmlinuz which I booted by elilo. It's not working...
So I waited for the Redhat AW2.1 CDs to arrive and installed Redhat without problems. There's space left on the disk and I'll give debian another chance if there's a new ISO available.



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