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Re: Announce of an upcoming upload for the twiki package (2nd version)

Quoting Miguel Figueiredo (elmig@debianpt.org):
> Hi all,
> the comment:
> #. Type: password
> #. Description
> #. Translators, do not translate "configuser" in the variable
> #: ../templates:6001
> should be placed one message before from where it is.
> No big deal, just beware while translating.

That's correct. This was a remaining from an earlier version of the
template. The template was reviewed on dle (debian-l10n-english) and
at one moment we removed the variable from the long description to the
short one...but forgot updating the comment and related flag:

Original version:

Template: twiki/adminpassword
Type: password
# Translators, do not translate "configuser" in the variable
_Description: blah blah blah blah:
 Blah blah blah blah ${configuser} blah blah blah.

New version:

Template: twiki/adminpassword
Type: password
# Translators, do not translate "configuser" in the variable
_Description: Password for '${configuser}':
 Please enter the password of the apache user who will be allowed to
 run the configure script at http://localhost/cgi-bin/twiki/configure.

As you see, we left "#flag:comment:2" while it should have been

I corrected this in the work tree. Thanks for pointing it.

PS: people interested in the subtleties of "flag" comments can read
"po-debconf(7)". This is one of the last contributions of Denis
Barbier in Debian before he resigned (and an occasion for me to point
the incredible work he did to bring us a very efficient set of tools
to work on debconf translations).

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