Re: [DDTP] Check what is translated per language
On Sun, Nov 26, 2006 at 04:44:41PM -0200, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
> On 11/26/2006 07:24 AM, Michael Bramer wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 08:07:00PM -0200, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
> >
> >>Hi people, [ grisu, I'm cc:ing as usually you prefer this way :D ]
> >
> > Thanks
> You are very welcome. Thanks for the quick answer. :)
no problem...
> >>a) Multiple translations for the same package
> >>
> >>Example:
> >>darcs-server
> >>20365: sid 2006-02-21...2006-11-25; etch 2006-02-21...2006-11-25;
> >>1513: sid 2005-07-16...2006-03-12; etch 2005-07-16...2006-03-12;
> >>
> >>
> >> As I understood, the translation was updated and the
> >> database keep an active version and other version (for
> >> reference or translation memory, not sure), did I get
> >> it right? :)
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > The bin package 'darcs-server' have two translations in the db (with
> > the id 1513 and 20365).
> > 1513 was from 2005-07-16 to 2006-03-12 in sid and the same time in
> > etch (in any arch)
> > 20365 was from 2006-02-21 to 2006-11-25 in sid and etch (in any arch).
> >
> > We need both translation to translate both versions and macke
> > Translation-files for etch, etch+1, ..., sid
> Ok. I really forgot that as the time evolves and DDTP become
> officially used (etch+1), we need to keep translations for oldstable,
> stable, testing and sid (and not translate only for unstable), but
> when I request the darcs-server description to translate it, I only
> receive one of them, so, should I care about the other or, most likely,
> am I doing something wrong? :-)
the ddtp send the 'active' description (the description in sid).
The thougt is: translate all descriptions in sid and we get all
description translated in the time.
Now, the ddtp don't have something like 'GET 1/etch fr' or 'GET
darcs-server/etch fr'. (Need we somthing like this?) But you can get
this from the webinterface:
choose one description ->
choose one lang ->
> I was just wondering that, for etch, new descriptions should
> overwrite old ones when the package migrates to testing, right? (And
> now I'm looking forward to start thinking about the integration with
> dak after etch and before lenny, and help test it :D).
Maybe I don't understand you. Never a description or translation is
overwrite by a migration.
if a package migrate to testing (or stable), the package file will
change and the ddts make a new Translation-file with the translations
in the db.
> >>b) Is there a way to check what a given language already translated?
> >>
> >> Right now, I go to ddtp, choose a letter, browse to the
> >> package I want to check and see if pt_BR is listed as
> >> active. But it is quite time intensive when trying to
> >> organize priorities for the team. ;)
> >>
> >> I was planning to make some filter and try to do that,
> >> but perhaps it could be easily solved with 2 minutes
> >> hacking in the ddtp server. ;)
> >
> > Ok, I see the problem.
> >
> > you can use:
> >
> >
> >
> Thank you *very* much, it worked perfectly.
one additional note:
In the lists are only the active discriptions.
Michael Bramer -
PGP: finger -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux
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