console-data keyboard types
I am doing a revision of slovenian translation of console-data and I
found some strange things. I am looking in original English translation
and some things are strange.
Some examples:
msgid "pl"
msgstr "Polish"
msgid "sun-pl"
msgstr "Polish"
Both keyboards are translated as "Polish". But one is "sun" version, the
other not.
msgid "lk201-us"
msgstr "US English"
msgid "mac-usb-us"
msgstr "American English"
Both strings contain "us". But one is "American", the other "US". One
string contains "mac-usb" - is this Mac USB version of US keyboard?
msgid "de-latin1-nodeadkeys"
msgstr "German"
msgid "mac-usb-de-latin1-nodeadkeys"
msgstr "German (no dead keys)"
Both strings contain "nodeadkeys", but translation does not reflect this...
My question is: can I translate this more descriptive way? Like: "Polish
Sun version keyboard", "US English lk201 version", "US English Mac USB
keyboard", "German Latin 1 (without dead keys)", "German Mac USB
keyboard (without dead keys)", etc.?
bye, Matej
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