Re: [DDTP] Check what is translated per language
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On 11/26/2006 07:24 AM, Michael Bramer wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 08:07:00PM -0200, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
>>Hi people, [ grisu, I'm cc:ing as usually you prefer this way :D ]
> Thanks
You are very welcome. Thanks for the quick answer. :)
>>a) Multiple translations for the same package
>>20365: sid 2006-02-21...2006-11-25; etch 2006-02-21...2006-11-25;
>>1513: sid 2005-07-16...2006-03-12; etch 2005-07-16...2006-03-12;
>> As I understood, the translation was updated and the
>> database keep an active version and other version (for
>> reference or translation memory, not sure), did I get
>> it right? :)
> Yes.
> The bin package 'darcs-server' have two translations in the db (with
> the id 1513 and 20365).
> 1513 was from 2005-07-16 to 2006-03-12 in sid and the same time in
> etch (in any arch)
> 20365 was from 2006-02-21 to 2006-11-25 in sid and etch (in any arch).
> We need both translation to translate both versions and macke
> Translation-files for etch, etch+1, ..., sid
Ok. I really forgot that as the time evolves and DDTP become
officially used (etch+1), we need to keep translations for oldstable,
stable, testing and sid (and not translate only for unstable), but
when I request the darcs-server description to translate it, I only
receive one of them, so, should I care about the other or, most likely,
am I doing something wrong? :-)
I was just wondering that, for etch, new descriptions should
overwrite old ones when the package migrates to testing, right? (And
now I'm looking forward to start thinking about the integration with
dak after etch and before lenny, and help test it :D).
>>b) Is there a way to check what a given language already translated?
>> Right now, I go to ddtp, choose a letter, browse to the
>> package I want to check and see if pt_BR is listed as
>> active. But it is quite time intensive when trying to
>> organize priorities for the team. ;)
>> I was planning to make some filter and try to do that,
>> but perhaps it could be easily solved with 2 minutes
>> hacking in the ddtp server. ;)
> Ok, I see the problem.
> you can use:
Thank you *very* much, it worked perfectly.
> more questions?
Just the ones above, about how to deal with the packages
with various descriptions in the database. ;)
> Gruss
> Grisu
Thanks once again!
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
"Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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