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Re: Asking for a new pseudo package in the BTS: l10n-french

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 11:04:32AM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 08:24:27AM +0100, Michael Bramer wrote:
> [...]
> > > and that's it, you have access to all fr and de translations.
> > 
> > Have you try it?
> Yes.
> > Will it work?
> Yes it works out of the box if your localized templates.dat files
> are up to date.

ok, I test it mayself.

some comments:

 - it need debconf from testing. older debconf have problems with reonly
   db on top of the stack (no big thing)
 - the minium for the translated debconf dat file is:
      Name: debconf/frontend
      Description-de: (test) Welche Schnittstelle soll zum Konfigurieren der Pakete verwendet werden?
      Extended_description-de: (test) Pakete die Debconf für die Konfiguration verwenden teilen ein gemeinsames »look and feel«. Sie können wählen, welches User-Interface sie benutzen.\n\nDas Dialog-Frontend ist ein symbolzeichenbasiertes vollbildschirm Interface, das Readline-Frontend verwendet ein traditionelleres Text-Interface und das Gnome-Frontend ist ein modernes X-Interface. Das Editor-Frontend läßt Sie Dinge mit Ihrem Lieblingseditor konfigurieren. Das nichtinteraktive Frontend stellt ihnen keine Fragen.
      Owners: debconf/frontend
   sorry for the long lines. 
   What is 'Owners'? It must be in the file (or you get: "Can't call
   method "clearall" on an undefined value at
   /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Template.pm line 150")
   It is all the time equal with 'Name'?
 - The debconf dat file don't need the english text. This is IMHO a big
   problem. Not only for us. You get all the time the text from the
   stack top db!

   Joey please thought about this:
    - someone use a stacked debconf config with some central debconf
      datas (with defaults) and one privat one. 
    - in both db's are all Infos from package foo
    - he update this package
    - the central debconf db is readonly, the package foo has some new
      templates and change some old ones.
    - debconf show the text of the old template from the central debconf
    - But maybe the changes in the text of the new package version are
   You see the problem?

   If the maintainer change the meaning of a template or add/change
   important notes, he must use a other templates name!

 - /etc/debconf.conf is a conffile. The user must change it by hand or
   we need a update-debconf command or debconf should include a config
   with i10l support (with 'Required: false'). Comments?

 - I like the l10n-ed of debconf templates with this way in generally. 
   Maybe I should make some denconf-l10n-XX packages with all
   translations into XX and we make a big test.

> Again I am not telling that debconf must be l10n-ed this way, but
> you can test it if you want to use your own translations without
> waiting for Debian developers to include them in their packages.

It is not the best way, but it is very interesting.

Thanks for the hint

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
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