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Re: Poisoned Gift

On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 11:08:02AM +0100, mil Thomas MANGIN wrote:
> If you need some help you can mail me I will be pleased to be usefull ( I still
> don t know how, but I will )

Regularly you will find postings to this list which describe some problems
that have to be fixed. Pick anyone you like and post your solution, if you
feel up to the task. There is little handholding we can do, as we are kept
busy by other things, too, and handholding is generally a bad idea over long
distance :)

Testing packages is fine, and you should report problems. You are actually
already doing it. If you have some knowledge about Debian, try to find out
why start-stop-daemon in dpkg does need /proc directory. I can email you the
source file, if you want (it is written in C and not very long).

Other areas you can help with: documentation, answering user questions on
this list, spreading the word about the Hurd and get more people in the
Hurd etc etc etc.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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