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Re: hpc team

Hi Alastair,

On 27/11/2017 10:10, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I go about adding packages to the debian-hpc team?
> Specifically, openmpi and pmix, though it makes sense to move mpich as
> well (currently maintained  by the debian-science team)

Great to have you on board! :-)

I've just created a Debian HPC on alioth and added you all in the team.
We will use alioth mainly as a git hosting service. No need to create
mailing lists (as alioth is already deprecated and mailing lists hosted
there are expected to vanish).

For git notifications (and to avoid creating a mailing list specifically
for this need), I've investigated the team concept in tracker.d.o. So it
works as follows:

I've create a "Debian HPC" team there [1]. I've added you all but everyone
one can join. On [1], we can manage the list of packages monitored by the
team. Then, on [2], everyone can manage its own subscriptions and enable
the keywords one wants. If you want git notifications, you're looking for
the keyword "vcs" after selecting it in "modify keywords".

Once that configured, you have to enable it in each git repository and put
the following snippet in ${source_package}.git/config (on alioth):

        mailinglist = dispatch+${source_package}_vcs@tracker.debian.org
        emaildomain = users.alioth.debian.org
        announceshortlog = true
        automigrated = true

Where ${source_package} is your source package name.

As of time of writing, we still have no git dir on git.debian.org:/git/.
I guess some cron job has to be executed at some point but still didn't.
But the gid is already created and up-to-date:


I'll check again tomorrow to see whether our git space has been created.

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/teams/debian-hpc/
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/accounts/subscriptions/



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