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Re: Message from Rein

On Sunday 28 April 2002 14:23, Rein wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have been following this list from my mobile qth for the last week with
> interest (just had the wrong news-server, so my comments did not come
> through).
> I am actively developing TLF further, and I am grateful for any comments
> you might have.

Rein, what about long-term plans for tlf. I would like to see the following:

tlf should start using global files, so you have a clean directory when a new 
contest starts. Just use /usr/share/tlf for your global data and put tlf with 
scripts into /usr/bin. Of course, some of the scripts have to be renamed. 
'Clear' is not a very good name for a shell script :-). I just can't see why 
a program should run in it's own directory.

Support for the hamlib libraries. This will instantly give you access to 
almost every available rig. And you don't have to write your own drivers.

Tlf really needs a decent network and AX.25 interface. The current solution 
with 'screen' may work, but it envolves too many actions to get started with 
a contest. When I first tried tlf, I have been staring at the empty 
dx-cluster window for a while, wondering how I should connect to a cluster, 

Overall, I think it's a good program which can become excellent for contesting 
(it probably already is excellent, if you take some time to study it), but it 
needs a bit of work. Studying the code a bit, I was particularly surprised by 
the many 'system' calls inside the program. I really liked the many different 
files of c-code. It makes it very easy to find a function.


> I think the idea of putting a mini contest oriented distribution onto a
> life cd is excellent. I can not yet see everything on a floppy together
> with the databases etc... Master.dta alone is 532 k athe moment.

It's interesting what you can do with gzipped data. Copy a file into ramdisk 
and unzip it. We could also store data on a network over nfs.

> 73,
> Rein PA0RCT

Joop PA4TU

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