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Re: Message from Rein

Hello folks,

I have been following this list from my mobile qth for the last week with 
interest (just had the wrong news-server, so my comments did not come 

I am actively developing TLF further, and I am grateful for any comments you 
might have. 

As a former TRlog user I have conceived TLF as a linux replacement of that, 
and have obviously put in my own ideas of how I would like the program to 
work. I have mainly tried to simplify things. TRlog is so full of bells, 
whistles and other toys that I can never rember them.

Following last week comments I have put in some changes:
1: TLF now syncs the disk after every qso (I don't keep a shadow log in ram, 
everything is on disk...)
2: I am currently testing the partial call facility based on master.dta, 
works fine on my laptop (1 GHz Celeron), not tested on the 100 MHz Pentium 
system yet. Will be optional.
3.: "Edit last qso" now gets into the editor with the cursor on the last line 
of the log (joe or vi, whichever you choose), which is the same functionality 
CT or TRlog has (but not limited to the last 5 qso's).

I think the idea of putting a mini contest oriented distribution onto a life 
cd is excellent. I can not yet see everything on a floppy together with the 
databases etc... Master.dta alone is 532 k athe moment.



On Wednesday 24 April 2002 21:10, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> I have just received a message from Rein. He should be on the list now.
> Rein will be away for most of the week, sailing.
> Joop PA4TU
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