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Re: galeon (not) in Debian stable

<quote who="Sven Luther">

> > Do your research. They're not. There is an extensions mechanism that allows
> > for this stuff, and some extensions are already in development. The goals of
> > the project are 100% compatible with this.
> And this could not have been done in the framework of galeon ?

Framework: Yes, Epiphany is a fork of the Galeon codebase, by Marco, the
ORIGINAL DEVELOPER of Galeon. You don't fork your own project for fun.

Context: No, it could not have been done within the context of the Galeon
project. Very little work was being done amongst the flaming.

> > Rant, rant, rant, and grossly uninformed to boot.
> Err, i did read attentively the flamewars on the galeon list back then,
> and he did clearly state that we were not his target group. If you go back
> to those archives, you would see it, i even participated in the
> discussion, and advocated against the fork, but i was no developer, so it
> didn't bring much.

Perhaps you should go back and read my messages during that time. Sure,
developers are *not* the sole target group for GNOME, and that makes a lot
of sense. But that doesn't mean that the software can't satisfy developer
needs. I far prefer using a desktop that "just works", rather than one I
have to fuck around with.

> So enlighten me, what were the inevitable reasons of the fork ? There
> were mostly personal bickering and naturally the question of the user
> base and HIG dictatorship. In some way you could say that the HIG was
> the reason of the fork, and thus it is natural that the gnome project
> has finally choosen epiphany over galeon, since it favored the HIG over
> functionaity.

The developers working on the browser wanted to go in different directions,
and it became very clear that the disagreements could not be resolved. So
Marco, the ORIGINAL DEVELOPER (please, get this through your skull) of
Galeon decided to fork his own project. You don't do that without a lot of
pain and anguish. If you can't understand this, I can't help you.

> > another browser project. As far as I know, no considerable number of other
> > Galeon developers have joined the Epiphany project.
> And who joined the epiphany project ? Who are the members of the team
> mentioned above ?

Perhaps you should do some research for a change.

You seem to be under the impression that features were removed from Galeon
1.3. This is not the case. Galeon 1.3 was a REWRITE, for which some features
had not been rewritten. Some, according to Marco, were not appropriate for
his vision of the browser, and he did want to remove a lot of the irrelevant
preference mess throughout the software, to make it easier to maintain and
use... That is where the disagreement lies.

If you don't agree with the direction, that's your problem. But don't spout
ever more uninformed blather about it.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2004: Adelaide, Australia         http://lca2004.linux.org.au/
    "Not only that, but Google is fast. In fact, it's quite competitive
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