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Re: Week 8 hate

On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 17:28, Kai Hendry wrote:
> > > Using Gnome Terminal. Why doesn't ALT+1 work in say IRSSI for choosing channels?
> > Because Gnome Terminal uses alt for tab shortcuts by default. Change the
> > keybindings if you don't like that.
> How do I do that ? I could not find keybindings in the profile.

It's in the main menu, not the profile.

> > Indeed; hence my suspicion is that it's technically not possible for it
> > to tell on its own. metacity-setup isn't a part of GNOME anyway, nor is
> > it needed with GNOME 2.2.
> Surely it could query package status or pull out a key from gconf?

As was said, metacity-setup is:
a) not part of core GNOME
b) not required for GNOME

Yes, it could examine the package status. But as it is not a pure-debian
program that would be a local hack.  A better solution would be to not
use it, G2.2 has the preferences (Desktop Prefs -> Windows)

> > > Why is there a little bit of space left on the bottom of a maximized Gnome
> > > Terminal? Other apps maximize properly.
> > Because you wouldn't gain any actual terminal space if there wasn't?
> Ok. I understand this. But it is not consistent with other apps. If I
> get fazed by this, what about the average user? ;)

How do you suggest this is "fixed"?

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross@burtonini.com
                                      jabber: ross@jabber.debian.net
                                    www: http://www.burtonini.com./
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