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Re: G2D problem with window managers

<quote who="Joseph Carter">

(snip mostly unconstructive ranting)

> I have become utterly frustrated with trying at this point.  Not enough
> interested ears in the right places to do what's needed.

Ears are found in... BUGZILLA! Even then, we can't all leap in and bow to
your needs, you might actually have to do some of this work yourself.

> I asked for the ability to open a tab in the current gnome-terminal window
> from the command line, that's all.  This would allow epic to use tabs like
> xchat and other similar browsers do.  I've been able to use MGT to get the
> feature for now, but that's G1 and definitely deprecated in favor of the
> built-in tab support in gnome-terminal2.  Havoc says he didn't see how
> this feature would be useful to anyone or how it could be implemented
> anyway.

Dude. Do it, send the patch, or lodge a bug, or find someone who is
intrigued by the idea (I like it, it wouldn't be too hard to impliment given
that we've got a factory for new terminals already). Don't rant and whinge,
offer solutions.

- Jeff

  "Everything I knew about TCP/IP I had downloaded the same day I started   
                     hacking the net code." - Alan Cox                      

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