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Re: G2D problem with window managers

<quote who="Joseph Carter">

> The ability to open an application in a particular workspace and how it is
> opened (zoomed, etc.)  I've gotta use such big fonts in all of my windows
> that I literally have ten different workspaces to put them all in.  And I
> use them, too!  I have only two of those ten workspaces which are not
> regularly populated.

This needs standards work.

> I also have been asking for the ability to raise windows on alt-tab for
> quite some time because the current method Metacity uses to highlight a
> window to be raised lacks sufficient visual cues to be useful to
> low-vision people.  He finally agreed to do this on a different key, but
> it hasn't been done yet and Havoc has commented that this is not a high
> priority for him.

Is this in bugzilla? The a11y dudes will love this one. Remember that Havoc
is now maintainer of four (GConf, libwnck, gnome-terminal, metacity) very
important GNOME modules (as well as chair of the foundation, etc) - you
can't expect him to do everything (he can't), he has to prioritise.

> As to the window matching, he says it's a hack and it's not worth doing
> for the "three people who would actually use it".

He's actuallly had some constructive input on this, and is looking to
impliment basic matching. Note: "constructive". Again, use bugzilla.

> Efficient window and workspace management is essential to anyone's ability
> to use graphical environments at optimally, and this holds especially true
> for low-vision users, who can easy get buried in large overlapping
> windows, especially if more than half of them have the amazingly brilliant
> and helpful title of "Terminal".  I speak for every single computer user
> who is blind or has low-vision when I say that we're frankly tired of
> having to justify our needs to people who think we should do without
> reasonable things because they are capible of doing so just fine.

Whine, flame, etc.

> With all of this talk of phasing out Sawfish, a window manger that works
> (more or less) in favor of Metacity which doesn't and whose author has
> been unreceptive to these issues, is it any wonder why I am rather hostile
> toward the idea?  Especially given all the talk of having One Gnome Window
> Manager and making it one of those very few which lack essential features
> I need, and which I train other low-vision computer users to rely upon.

Whine, flame, etc.

> I have professional experience training people to use large print and
> speech systems for DOS/Windows, and I still train a few blind people now
> and then with Linux if they're geeky enough to be able to manage it in a
> Windows-dominated world.  For the blind users, I teach them screader and
> emacspeak (which I need a reference card for myself since I can't remember
> half the commands from one day to the next!)  The low-vision users are the
> ones I teach X11 and Gnome to.  Each and every one of these I've taught
> has loved and used my techniques extensively.  Now I'm faced with the
> prospect of telling them that they can't use future versions of Gnome the
> same way because Havoc deems the necessary features to be hacky and not
> worth implementing for the few users who would benefit from them.

Whine, flame, etc.

> Do you have any idea how it feels to be told that something you've come to
> depend on will no longer be available because it's not worth having just
> for you and a small handfull of others?  I know for certain Havoc has
> underestimated both the impact of his decision to leave out these hacks
> and the number of people who use them.  Yes, window matching is a hack,
> and a gross one at that.  Yeah, it's not always reliable.  And yet, it's
> better than nothing.

Whine, flame, etc.

Dude - think positive and constructive. No one's inspired by your
adversarial manner.

- Jeff

     "World domination is a community responsibility." - Michael Hall,      

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