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Re: Gnome2 for woody

On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 02:12, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> You should really consider that Gnome2 is a new desktop and that you
> should take the time to configure it. An helper script may be provided
> somewhere in /usr/share/doc/ for quickstart in that configuration but
> we'll never have a configuration script that will handle all Gnome
> applications ...

Which is exactly why it should either stay out of sid, or go in with a
*2 suffix.... how would you like it if your regular desktop workstation
suddenly replaced its desktop software with a new desktop? If the
transition worked, the desktop would at least be backwards compatable,
at which point you could think of Gnome2 as a new version of an old
desktop. But there is no transition, it's a completely different piece
of software, that (regardless of transition scripts) may or may not meet
the needs of people who have been using Gnome 1.4.x.

It would be akin to putting Netscape 6 in sid/testing and calling in
Netscape... yes it's the next version, yes it has a lot of new features,
but for a number of people, it's simply not an adequate out-of-the-box
replacement for lack of certain features. (Or it least it was the case
near its earlier releases, much like Gnome 2 today). Not to mention the
new UI's, new means of doing things, functionality and interoperability
with other apps/plugins that's gone.

Jeremy Nickurak -= Email/Jabber: atrus@rifetech.com =-
I would rather spend 10 hours reading someone else's source code than
10 minutes listening to Musak waiting for technical support which isn't.
-- Dr. Greg Wettstein

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