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Debconf20 Online pkg-go BoF (was: DebConf19 pkg-go BoF minutes (Finally!))
Clément Hermann
[Help + Discussion Needed] golang-github-brentp-irelate
Nilesh Patra
[RFS] golang-github-brentp-irelate (was: ITP: golang-github-brentp-irelate: Streaming relation testing of sorted files of intervals)
Nilesh Patra
[RFS] golang-github-brentp-vcfgo (was: ITP: golang-github-brentp-vcfgo: Golang library to read, write, manipulate VCF files)
Nilesh Patra
[RFS] golang-github-brentp-bix (was: ITP: golang-github-brentp-bix: Tabix file access with golang using biogo machinery (library))
Nilesh Patra
Bug#964378: libpod: Please upgrade to new upstream version 2.0
Reinhard Tartler
Go protobuf v2
Shengjing Zhu
Re: Go protobuf v2
Clément Hermann
Re: Go protobuf v2
Shengjing Zhu
Re: Go protobuf v2
Clément Hermann
Bug#964514: ITP: golang-github-cloudflare-circl -- Cloudflare Interoperable Reusable Cryptographic Library
Roger Shimizu
Re: Time upload golang-github-opencontainers-selinux 1.5 to unstable
Reinhard Tartler
Getting wahay into Debian - Coyim dependancies and upstream move
Clément Hermann
Re: Getting wahay into Debian - Coyim dependancies and upstream move
Sascha Steinbiss
Bug#964905: RFP: goatcounter -- easy, meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics
Antoine Beaupre
Bug#964920: RFS: lltsv/0.6.1-1 [ITP] -- List specified keys of LTSV (Labeled Tab Separated Values)
Kentaro Hayashi
[RFS] golang-github-yuin-gluare (was: ITP: golang-github-yuin-gluare: Regular expression library for the GopherLua)
Nilesh Patra
[RFS] golang-github-brentp-goluaez (was: ITP: golang-github-brentp-goluaez: Easy embedding Lua in go)
Nilesh Patra
Bug#964938: ITP: golang-blackfriday-v2 -- Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go version 2
Reinhard Tartler
Bug#965009: ratt: Please allow passing through options to sbuild
Reinhard Tartler
Bug#965065: ITP: golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo -- Generate x86 Assembly with Go
Roger Shimizu
Bug#965102: ITP: pup -- command-line HTML processor
Arnaud Rebillout
Bug#965113: golang-blackfriday: Please update to new upstream version 2.0
Reinhard Tartler
Sponsor required to upload a new package: pup
El boulangero
Re: Sponsor required to upload a new package: pup
Reinhard Tartler
Re: Sponsor required to upload a new package: pup
El boulangero
Re: Sponsor required to upload a new package: pup
Reinhard Tartler
Bug#965199: ITP: golang-github-xlzd-gotp -- Golang OTP(One-Time Password) Library.
Roger Shimizu
Bug#966012: ITP: codebase -- Manage your codebase like a boss!
Alois Micard
Which CI to use; team or salsa-ci?
Samuel Henrique
Bug#963851: golang-github-viant-assertly-dev: circular dependency hell
Aloïs Micard
Re: Bug#963851: golang-github-viant-assertly-dev: circular dependency hell
Roger Shimizu
Re: Bug#966315: RFP: age -- simple, modern and secure encryption tool with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability
Johan Fleury
Bug#966427: RFP: golang-github-greatroar-blobloom -- blocked Bloom filter package for Go (golang) with no runtime dependencies
Nicholas D Steeves
(Requesting sponsorship) Re: Bug#966315: ITP: age -- simple, modern and secure encryption tool
Johan Fleury
Bug#966583: RFP: golang-github-certifi-gocertifi -- SSL Certificates for Golang
Nicholas D Steeves
Re: Bug#915649: Update raven-go to latest upstream version (0.1.0)
Nicholas D Steeves
The last update was on 03:00 GMT Fri Jul 31. There are 37 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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