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Re: Fwd: Schedule information for 211 - Debian GIS BoF

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 8:06 PM, Ross Gammon <ross@the-gammons.net> wrote:

> I know these are old, but:
> - svn > git repositories - where are we?
> - pkg-osm > pkg-grass - where are we?
> - Ubuntu GIS packages - do we have all in the GIS Team yet?
Mostly some packages for contrib are missing, eg plugins for
oracle/mrsid to gdal . Some source repositories here:

> - We had a bump with OpenLayers3 & the small node packages issue, but
> are there other major GIS packages/suites that should be in Debian? Do
> we have all relevant RFP/ITPs in the GIS tasks so we can look there for
> things to package?
If I had to propose something: anything related to geotools (the
javastack) would be highly welcome.
Again Jerome has done some work on that:
and http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/geotools-packaging
I just filed an ITP for JSR-275 :-)

Kind Regards,

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