Re: OpenStreetMap Software
On 04/30/2014 06:42 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> Currently it's not possible to build the osmosis package anymore.
> Running gradle clean fails with a Java heap space out of memory error.
> Increasing the sizes only delays the failure, e.g.:
> GRADLE_OPTS="\"-Xmx8192m\" \"-Xms4096m\" \"-XX:MaxPermSize=2048m\""
> gradle --offline --no-daemon --gradle-user-home debian/gradle-user-home
> --project-prop osmosisBuildType=RELEASE clean -x build
This is apparently a known issue caused by libjarjar-java, both #746253
and #744337 mention the groovy breakage caused by libjarjar-java, see:
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