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Re: Debian-Projekt auf der ApacheCon? [lars@apache.org]

Hi Sven, all

> I just had a small chat with Lars Eilebrecht (the one who invited Debian
> to ApacheCon), since he basically sits next door (is a colleague).

Now that's really convenient ;)

> I don't know if that is enough people, but it is probably enough
> knowledge. 

As far as I can see, ApacheCon lasts five days, however the expo is only
open from Wednesday to Friday. I would be willing to pull off these three
days, but not on my own. So if there is (at least) someone who would join
in, I'm up for it.

> Lars said they don't expect people at the Debian booth to be
> fit regarding Apache (and other Apache foundation software like tomcat
> or spamassassin), but they should have decent knowledge of the product
> they are presenting (i.e. Debian). He expects enough Apache people to be
> there to answer Apache specific stuff, but there will probably be plenty
> of sysadmin folks, which might have a general interest in Debian.

That's good news!

I still think there is some Debian-Apache-related stuff that should be known
(and may not yet be).

- Which versions of these softwares do we currently support?
- What don't we offer yet?
- What is planned for the (near) future?
- Have there been recent issues?

The versions is a simple lookup. If anyone can provide input on any of the
other questions, shoot!

On another note: I kinda hijacked this thread a bit :) I do however
realise/suppose that it's actually Alexander Schmehl's job to coordinate
things like these. So, Alexander, if you have any objections to any of this,
tell me and I'll shut right up! ;)


Meike Reichle - University of Hildesheim

mail:	mrei0999@uni-hildesheim.de
web:	www.uni-hildesheim.de/~mrei0999

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