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Re: emdebian-tools unintentionally upgraded my system from "testing" to "unstable"!

On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 16:57 +0100, Dimitris Lampridis wrote:
> Hi,
> In my case, installing emdebian-tools, produced a series of "debconf"
> questions, one of which was to choose the suite
> (stable,testing,unstable) that I wanted. So, you have to choose
> unstable to get "unstable" entries in emdebian.sources.list.

If you want to build for unstable, you will need to be able to query the
apt cache data for dependencies in unstable for the architecture

It may be advisable to use a chroot if you want to build for unstable on
testing - after all, that is how you would need to build for Debian

> "sudo dpkg-reconfigure emdebian-tools" is a way to reproduce this.
> However, I do agree that it is not needed (and dangerous) to add main
> repositories lines to the emdebian.sources.list file.

That is untrue. It is essential that a primary Debian mirror exists in
the apt sources and the postinst needs to add one if the user has chosen
not to use one for some reason. emdebian-tools cannot operate without
access to the Debian repository for the architecture selected and a
primary mirror is the only way of ensuring this data is available.

Normally, it works just fine and is not at all dangerous.

>  They should be
> already in sources.list.

Also untrue - there is no reason why a user must or should have a
primary mirror in the sources list prior to starting cross building but
it is the most common configuration.

This is all down to mirrors not supporting all architectures supported
by Debian. It is covered in the main manpage:

        /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emdebian.sources.list : Provides the apt
        source for the Emdebian toolchain repository so that your
        cross-building toolchains can be installed and updated
        emdebian-tools also needs to be able to query apt cache data
        from a Debian mirror that supports all cross-building
        architectures - these repositories are called 'primary mirrors'
        in Debian. If /etc/apt/sources.list does not contain a primary
        Debian mirror, this file will include the default primary mirror
        for emdebian-tools: ftp.uk.debian.org. If you prefer to use a
        closer or faster primary mirror, please refer to the Debian
        Mirror List http://www.debian.org/mirror/list and add your
        preferred primary mirror to /etc/apt/sources.list, run 'apt-get
        update', then use 'dpkg-reconfigure emdebian-tools' to
        update /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emdebian.sources.list. At least
        one primary mirror, as defined on the DML page, must be
        available to use emdebian-tools. 
        It is not possible to set repositories on a per-user basis. 


Neil Williams

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