debian-edu Jul 2012 by subject
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Ban "iStuff" with MAC address
Bug#646537: slbackup-php 0.3 is not usable with smarty 3.1
Bug#680203: debian-edu-doc-de: Wrong router address in German translation
Bug#680203: marked as done (debian-edu-doc-de: Wrong router address in German translation)
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
DebianEdu letter to the German/Baden-Württemberg LinuxMusterlösung
Re: discuss upload candidate of slbackup and its potential transition to wheezy
discuss upload candidate of slbackup and its potential transition to wheezy
DNS with blocked zones
gosa update for s-p-u (highly relevant for the Debian Edu blend)
gosa-2.6.11-3+squeeze2 uploaded to s-p-u
Re: gosa-plugin-netgroups for gosa 2.7 sponsored by GONICUS (i18n help requested)
gosa-plugin-netgroups for gosa 2.7 sponsored by GONICUS (i18n help requested)
Maintenance of package slbackup
phpBB support
Processed: limit source to debian-edu-doc, tagging 679646
unblock slbackup-php
The last update was on 17:49 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 28 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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