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Re: Integration of other Linux-machines into Skolelinux network

Klaus Ade Johnstad wrote:
Onsdag 26 desember 2007 21:34, skrev Harald Poppek:
Did anybody know a way, or had done so, to connect an actual linux
machine like debian etch/lenny

I have attached the files I believe is needed. They are from a plain debian etch machine that uses tjener for authentication (home0 is hardmounted in /etc/fstab).

Take a careful look at each file before you use them, they work for me.

Aloha All

Having had much experience, and failure, at authenticating 7.10 boxes from a ldap/nfs server performing as your tjener, let me add this, too. Edubuntu 7.1 has an /etc/ldap.conf file *and* an /etc/ldap/ldap.conf file that need tweaking. Jim Kronebusch modified his feisty documentation to take this hack into account


You will likely need to reboot into recovery mode (second option in grub) to edit these files.

With Respect for all the great work from the debianedu project


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