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Re: Debian Edu CD: One per language?

Hi all,

during LinuxTag there have been several requests for using Skolelinux in 
less developed countries. Not always I could answer the question to 
what extend this or that language is supported "out of box". Countries 
like Mozambique, Egypt or Indonesia usually lack high speed internet 
connections, hence all should be on the CD.

Some charity NGOs even said that there would be some financial resources 
for including missing languages. 

Installer is running in several languages which is brilliant. But if we 
look at KDE (incl. kdeedu), gcompris, openoffice: Which of those are 
already installed out from the box? Which could be added/replaced 
easily for
- Arabian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Indonesian
- Danish?

Am Dienstag, 21. Juni 2005 09:06 schrieb Frank Weißer:
> How about a multi-sessioned CD ? Bootsession with installer, 2nd
> session a chosen language-image?

Hi Frank,

even though your idea is quite creative, I don't believe it is a good 
- multiple sessions don't increase the total storage capacity of a cd
- there is quite a lot of technical work to have common packages 
included with every language related sub-session.


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