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Re: less hard coded config files

[Jonas Smedegaard]
> I believe the "bigger" issue you describe is "upgrades being forced
> interactive", asking annoying questions about what to do with
> conf(ig)files changed at initial install by debian-edu.

Right.  Then we talk past each other.  I'm talking about the problems
people encounter if they modify a configuration file in debian, and
then later upgrade the package only to discover that they are
presented with an "annoying questions" where they can chooce between
keeping the config they want in a format no longer understood by the
program, or replacing the config they want with a default file
understood by the program, but not having the configuration they want.

I expect upgrades to keep my configuration, and not present me with an
impossible question, where neither of the two options presented are
any good to me.

This is broken upgrades to me.

As for the your issue, yes, this will break too.  It does not matter
if the admin edit the file or pointed it to a different file using
symlinks.  In both cases, the configuration is most likely lost during
upgrades.  I consider it a variant of the problem described above,
where the wanted configuration is lost during upgrades

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