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Re: The next level of Custom Debian Distributions

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On 04-05-2005 10:59, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

>>>>>On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Knut Yrvin wrote:
>>>>>>* Sarge installation of Skolelinux from scratch
>>>>>>Today it's possible to use, and maintain a Sarge based
>>>>>>Skolelinux installed from scratch with some adjusting. Security
>>>>>>patches is available.
>>>>>For a school starting (moreorless) from scratch with Skolelinux,
>>>>>is this the recommended approach now?

What would you recommend for the above right now, Andreas?

That is, with an average teacher maintaining the system - not with Oslo
Kommune paid tech staff to run around avoiding disasters...

> jonas, please update yourself on the security of woody vs
> testing. testing is by far more secure then woody even without
> the 24h security fixes (but only slighly slower ones). see joeys
> webpages for the numbers. (and i dont know the url now.)

I know that woody provides a boring desktop and has problems with spiffy
new laptops and high-end servers. But it is a surprise to me if you
claim that it is *less* secure than sarge.

I believe the links you are looking for is the ones Petter provided
monday: http://merkel.debian.org/~joeyh/testing-security.html and
http://secure-testing.alioth.debian.org/ - they concern fixing bugs in
sarge, as one of the factors of getting it in shape for release as next
stable Debian.

If Joeyh provides numbers comparing the security of woody and sarge then
please bring them on.

We can hopefully soon agree on sarge as the best ever, but it is *not*
*yet* considered stable. And even when it is, that does *not*
automagically make Skolelinux+sarge stable - especially not if it is
claimed that it smoothly handles upgrades from both woody, woody-based
skolelinux and all sorts of mixes of testing sarge and unofficial
Skolelinux development cruft.

> the upgrade path that you mention is still an issue. but it is an
> issue both for the sarge and for the woody installs. This is a
> dilemma of the cdds and becomes only marginally better with woody
> vs testing. In general your installation is royally broken after
> an upgrade regardless which one you used.

My point is that there's a huge difference between creating an official
Skolelinux release that handles upgrades from the earlier officially
released Skolelinux, and one that handles upgrades from the endless
combinations of packages possible by using the ever moving target called

Go ahead everyone, have fun with sarge before it is stable (I do it
myself too!). Just be ready to clean up again yourself - don't expect
Skolelinux to provide an upgrade path from your mess.

 - Jonas


Don't cc me - I am subscribed to the list.

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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