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We are asking the teachers: [Re: choosing software applications]

torsdag 03 mars 2005, 12:02, skrev Gavin McCullagh:
> The desktop environment config may
> not be a trivial amount of work either but I believe both would be
> truly beneficial to the users of Skolelinux.

We are doing work now with minicipalities that operate Skolelinux in 
large centralised installations. In that work we are investigating what 
applications that are really in use, and whats not. 

The main problem is that the teachers don't give an real answer what 
they want or expect from an applications when we aks them. A lot of 
activeties is therefore reorganised to learn the teacher how to make 
choices when looking for applications as a part of their teaching. This 
is non trivial, and goes much further than this article: 

> http://osdir.com/Article4389.phtml

- Knut

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