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Re: choosing software applications

Ralf Gesel|ensetter schrieb:
Hi Bernd

Am Donnerstag, 3. März 2005 14:48 schrieb bernd:

An Installation of the workstation with more questions about using
software could bee a way, but that is a way with many work for you-

This would be especially more "work" for unskilled teachers who are meant to be able install the system out of the box :)

Personally, I also support the idea of diversity rather than an one-app-per-task approach. On the other hand, I understand that too much is rather confusing than helping. Here my suggestion would be to re-arrange the kmenu accordingly. For now, many important applications are hidden in a subtree "Debian".
I think, that to build an kmenue is an thing for the "country-groups"
How to use it ? It could be placed in an Installation-Menue, but that makes the Installation longer.

I read many times about the Installation and this point is heavy.
It is placed in "skole-wanted-things" that everyone should be able to Install the System. It is very nice to do like this, but i think, that it could be buggy to offer the people a System that is so easy to use.
Everyone who want´s to build a Education-Server must have the
In the german List some time ago, someone meant, that a wife, without ever have worked with computers, must be able to Install the System - it will be very nice - but not really wanted by me.The first step, to get the user friendly with my Produkt, is the interactivity.

There are so many things, that workes "out of the box" and if we try to do it with every Thing, we have a closed System ............
If to decide what applications are the most favoured ones - popularity-contest could be an option. Maybe one has to replace its mailing core with some http thing to send back feedbacks even without working mailing system.

Just my 16 öre
The discussion is about loosing some Things, if we must loose it because of the place on the Servers, it is ok, but if we loose it because of the meaning of us, we cannot talk to everyone. There are different users and if you ask two persons of the best programm for doing a job, you get two different meanings.............. The other way, to make a special menue (kde or gnome) is the better way in my eyes.

Bernd Grah

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