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Re: CVS update: skolelinux/www/testing/wlus 003_delete_many_users.txt

* Petter Reinholdtsen (pere@hungry.com) [040503 23:07]:
> [Andreas Schuldei]
> > their mailspool?
> Yes.  It should be removed when the user is removed.
> > we can not make sure that a certain user will not get any mail
> > again.
> No?  I thought exim only delivered email to existing users.
> > how will exim react if a given spoolfile is removed?
> I am pretty sure it will recreate it, when a new mail arrives, if the
> user isn't removed.  After all, that is what happens the first time a
> user get an email.

but then it would not be a win to remove the mailspool. we would
only void information that might become interesting again, later.

in germany all documents have to be archived for some time when a
user writes his final exames, to be able to detect fraud and
cheating after the fact. mail is certainly one possible resource

so i would at least not delete the existing mail. moving it
someplace save would be better, i think. leaving it there would
be an alternative.

what are the reasons that the mailspool must be removed? what do
we win by doing it now? the mailspool is savely stored in the
user's entry in the attic and can be taken care of when it comes
to to controlled removal.

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