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Re: CVS update: skolelinux/www/testing/wlus 003_delete_many_users.txt

[Knut Yrvin]
> It seems that Morten Arnesen does not agree on that
> functionality. The explanation is that the user should be kept for
> ICT-management purposes. To delete a user is unfortunate, and gives
> a lot of troubles in the long run. This has to be told, and
> explained as good as posible to people that don't have the "maintain
> 150-1100 users" in mind! :-)

User archives will be postponed until Cerebrum is implemented.  It is
a lot of things to consider to do it right, and it better to leave it
to an automatic system doing the stepwise removal of users.

wlus should be simple, and it shall only remove the files.  If the
user should not be removed completely, one should close the account

Come to thing about it.  What about the users email, Andreas?  It need
to be removed as well.

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