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Re: non-free?

Am 23.03.2004 um 21:13 schrieb Hubertus Groepper:

my apologies to Petter Reinholdtsen for this dupe - mail.app doesn't handle the reply-to field properly (???)

and to everybody else for be being too stupid to handle mail.app - no text in this message. arrgghhh.

Am 23.03.2004 um 20:53 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:

Now regarding flash, Why cant we avoild flash support?.

We can't, because some service providers for the schools make web
pages using flash.  It is hard to get the schools or the government to
understand that such pages is a bad idea. :/

uhm, bad idea? On of the best web-sites (edu or not edu) around (IMHO of course) is http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/ I don't want to start the usual flame war on flash vs. no flash, but there are sites that use flash for good reasons and at the same time are somewhat relevant to edu-projects, so having the non-free flash plug-in onboard seems to be reasonable to me. Pretty much the same goes for other non-free stuff: if we need it and there is no free equiv. we keep it.
Just my 0,02 Euro


(For more nice edu-related web-sites check http://www.secondstory.com/)

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