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Re: [Debian-NYC] Thoughts on Eventbrite.

Kevin Mark wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 12:14:26AM -0500, Ron Guerin wrote:
>> Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>>> On 02/18/2011 01:59 PM, Brian Gupta wrote:
>>>> I understand that some people are opposed to RSVP lists for privacy
>>>> reasons, but the reality is we live in a post 2001 New York and many
>>>> groups meet in buildings that have rigid security policies, that
>>>> require a list of names for the front desk security
>> I wish it were as easy as simply choosing to meet in spaces that don't
>> require RSVP lists.   Space is terribly hard to come by in Manhattan
>> though.  I've had to RSVP for lots of stuff in Brooklyn too though.   I
>> don't like doing it, I don't like asking anyone else to do it either. 
>> However, given the choice between there being an event or there being no
>> event, I don't find it's a difficult choice.    It has been many years
>> since the last of the holdouts against the RSVP list requirement at 590
>> Madison finally showed up there again anyway.  For good or bad, this is
>> one battle New Yorkers don't seem terribly inclined to fight.
>>> And speaking of encouraging the surveillance mentality...
>>> I'd like to also voice a preference for meeting in places that don't
>>> require this kind of security theater [0].
>> Everyone has a preference for such places.  As an event organizer, when
>> there's an RSVP list involved, it's just more work and more aggravation
>> for the organizer, provided there isn't some fixed resource to dole out
>> to attendees.
>>> If this list isn't published someplace in an RSS-ish form, maybe someone
>>> could do that, and than anyone who doesn't like SMTP can point their
>>> favorite feed reader at it to get the alerts instead of just subscribing
>>> to the list.
>> http://rss.debian-nyc.org/list.rss
>>> [0] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Security_theater
>> I don't think there's too many people who are confused about that.  
>> I've been told by someone on this list (IIRC) that they use an
>> exceedingly old non-photo expired library card to gain admittance to the
>> buildings of NYC.  They play by the rules, I presume everyone winks, and
>> admittance is gained.
> /me waves....
> speaking of RSVP, Ron, Nylug has one of those... Could it be used or adapted,
> if it was acceptable

There's a reason we're anxious to replace it.  We do however have
another one we use for WingFest/BeerFest, it's simple, and it's GPL. 
That said, neither of them does all the "fancy" stuff Brian's talking
about, and that's a goal of the new system we're looking to create. 
_That_ system will be developed and released as a community effort,
right now involving three LUGs, hopefully more groups will get involved
in it.

- Ron
DebianNYC mailing list

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