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Re: /doc layout in ftp.debian.org [was: Documentation provided in the Woody CDs (should be fixed)]

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 12:30:51PM +0200, Javier Fern?ndez-Sanguino Pe?a wrote:
> > I'm not sure ftpadmins want to be Cc:ed to this discussion...
> 	They probably don't but since I'm a little pissed off (almost a
> week and none of them could even take a *look* at my work). I keep them
> here >:|

I have looked, and I for one dont like.

1) It is a huge duplication of what is already available elsewhere.
   I realise this is intended, due to the fact that some users will not
   have access to the internet to find and read the documentation.

2) If anything, it makes it harder to find things. Granted, there isnt
   much currently to find.

If it is to be done at all, it needs to be fully automated, in a totally
robust fashion.

I dont know if you have Javier, but please take some time to create some
form of script to fetch all that is required from the "upstream"
locations and build the required/wanted tree. Bearing in mind that there
are files in debian/doc/ that could possibly be static.

Preferably using wget. - lynx to -dump pages I guess.

In all of the above here, I am speaking as myself. Despite common
belief, I am open to discussion. (I'm not subscribed to -doc, so if you
drop ftpmaster@, please CC: me. - I dont think that the others will
mind (aj, ryan, james, randall, correct me if you do))

Michael Beattie <mike@ethernal.org>

CPU's dont tend to work very well after their "magic smoke" has escaped.

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