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Re: [External] Re: Intel SOF audio firmware packaging

 ❦ 10 décembre 2020 12:57 -05, Mark Pearson:

> I did have to comment out "overlay = True" in the gbp.conf - it gave me
> an error that I'll have to dig into.

That's because you went for the first "classic" solution. I was pushing
for the overlay solution as the upstream git repository is pushing some
big files at each release and your git repository will become bigger and
bigger. With the overlay solution, you only have a debian/latest branch
and the user is expected to retrieve the tarball to make it work (this
is automated by uscan, thanks to the debian/watch).

However, you can keep your repository as is and add to gbp.conf:

upstream-branch = stable-v1.6
upstream-tag = v1.6-rc3
pristine-tar = False

This should do the trick. You may want to tag the upstream commit
yourself with upstream/1.6 if you upstream is not consistent with
tagging (which seems the case).

You may want to either rename firmware-sof-signed.install to install or
rename postinst to firmware-sof-signed.postinst. The #!/bin/sh is
missing at the top of the postinst script.

Most firmware-* packages seem to ship to /lib/firmware, not
/usr/lib/firmware. As I am using a usr-merged system (this is the
default now), I don't see a difference. From my understanding, in the
future, packages need to ship this way. I think Linux will look into
/lib/firmware only and therefore, this will fail on non-usr-merged
systems. You can fix that by modifying the install file with:

builddir/usr/lib /

In debian/control, you also need to add Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields
to point to Salsa. Also, maybe the source pakcage could be
`firmware-sof` instead of sof-bin, to match your repository name. Just
update debian/control and debian/changelog.

Everything else looks OK for me.
Make it right before you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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