Re: Debian default desktop environment
+++ Hashem Nasarat [2014-04-04 11:15 -0400]:
> On 04/04/2014 10:36 AM, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 04:13:27PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> >> Le vendredi 04 avril 2014 à 15:25 +0200, Stephan Seitz a écrit :
> >>> and modern hardware.
> >> This is no longer a requirement in jessie, at least on x86 where
> >> llvmpipe is now accepted as a GL engine.
> >
> > Ah, thank you.
> >
> >>> The default desktop should be moderate. If you want more eye
> >>> candy and bells and whistles you can install bigger desktop
> >>> environments.
> >> The default desktop should be functional and easy to use. I don’t call
> >
> > Yes, and what means „functional”? XFCE is of course functional, heck,
> > even fvwm is functional, and I know people who still use it because they
> > only have one config file to copy to a new machine and their desktop is
> > ready.
> XFCE (at least the version in Debian 8) doesn't automatically handle
> external monitors, which is a pretty significant use-case for all kinds
> of users.
> I do not think it's fair to expect a new user to be configure xrandr or
> find & install a 3rd party xrandr GUI.
Settings -> 'display' gives a simple UI for monitor switching. This is a
standard part of XFCE, although I don't know if it's installed in
default install (I'd expect it to be). No '3rd party' xrandr GUI needed,
nor command-line xrandr. This only provides mirroring, but that's what
people usually want. It also provides sensible resolution control and
has generally worked very well for me. arandr exists if you want
something fancier. This seems to me to be simple, effective and
I guess by 'automatic' you mean notification on extra-monitor detection
and a 'should I mirror to this monitor' type question? That would
(probably) be an enhancement, but I just wanted to repoy to correct the
apparent misapprehension that XFCE doesn't do user-friendly monitor out
of the box.
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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