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Re: jquery debate with upstream

Vincent Bernat <bernat@debian.org> writes:

> [A bundled, source version of the library] will just go out of sync.
> For upstream, the preferred form of "modification" is the minified
> version (modification is merely the update to a new version).

Yes, the cause of that is that upstream doesn't treat these files as
source at all – they are dependencies, third-party libraries. Ideally
they would not appear in the source at all.

Upstream include these non-source files bundled in with other,
actual-source files, merely because they perceive no better option for
declaring a dependency on a third-party library.

> The javascript world is difficult to deal with. They like embedded
> copies, they may not really care about API/ABI stability, even for big
> projects. Those are difficulties that we already have to deal with. We
> already work around them by using Debian package when possible but
> this makes the software we ship more buggy because we don't match the
> exact version that upstream uses.

Right. This can only really improve by addressing the general problems
you describe in that paragraph, which itself requires collaborating with
upstream to join with us in expecting better interoperability from JS
library developers.

 \          “Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; |
  `\    those in philosophy only ridiculous.” —David Hume, _A Treatise |
_o__)                                           of Human Nature_, 1739 |
Ben Finney

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