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Re: Less dinstall FTW?

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox@debian.org> wrote:
I don't want to build packages using local apt repository of uploads,
since e.g. I don't want to upload something that was build against
earlier uploaded $foo, which got rejected by ftp-masters for example.
Currently, it's sometimes possible for me to see updates twice a day
(e.g. my morning upload in the evening).

I have a solution for that ...  Patience, young padawan.

I don't think that our packaging needs requires such speed, and you are usually stuck on the ftp-master review and not on the dinstall run times...  The only time you would need a hourly dinstall run is when you have entangled dependencie (oh, hello ruby/rails), but that also can be handled with patience.

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