Re: /bin/sh (was Re: jessie release goals)
On 05/13/2013 06:05 AM, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le dimanche 12 mai 2013 à 19:40 +0200, Helmut Grohne a écrit :
>> With all due respect, this might be utter bullshit, but is at least
>> [citation needed]. I have yet to see a failing pid 1 (be that sysv,
>> upstart or systemd). Acquiring data on failure modes of any of those
>> systems appears like a difficult task and d-devel might not be the best
>> place to discuss that.
> Having a rock-stable PID 1 is nice and all, but it doesn’t help you if
> something important crashes. On a production server, if apache crashes
> and fails to reload properly because the scripts don’t get the ordering
> right, it doesn’t help you that init is still running fine.
That is quite not truth. Let's say you have a broken HDD, and that you
forgot to setup grub on the 2nd HDD or something else that will prevent
boot up. In one case, you're totally screwed, on the other, you just
restart Apache !
> It would help you to have an init implementation that can detect which components
> can be initialized and at what time.
For that, we have stuff like monit, which have been working in production
for years without issues, and which has some other very interesting
features (like sending you a mail when the process changes PID).
You aren't much on the server things are you?
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