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Re: Packaging Openstack for Debian: anyone else interested?

On 03/29/2011 03:05 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:
This is my fault, I'm afraid.

Oh, another Vincent Cerf? :)

currently, all packages that ship upstart jobs in Ubuntu carry a delta
between Debian and Ubuntu (or do some fancy stepping in debian/rules to make
the upstart job visible only under the right circumstances) because the
upstart jobs can't be included in the Debian package.

Can you give me an example of "fancy stepping in debian/rules to make the upstart job visible only under the right circumstances" as you say, so that I can avoid the delta with Ubuntu? Or maybe you are recommending against that kind of hack? That may be useful anyway, if I want to maintain some backports, at some point.

There is a patch for debhelper that will remove this constraint (i.e., both
upstart jobs and sysvinit scripts will be installed /together/), but there's
further groundwork to be applied in other packages before it should be
included in the Debian archive.

Can you describe more what's needed? Any ETA?


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