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Re: deprecating /usr as a standalone filesystem?

Gabor Gombas wrote:
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:38:45PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

        it is the principle of the thing. /root is the home directory
 for the  root user.  Home directories are mutable, programs may store
 configuration files there, as may the user, by themselves. The root
 user should not be more constrained than other users on the machine are;
 making wirking as root irritating, less customizable, and harder does
 not help the end user admin any.

        Ideally, we should map /root somewhere persistent, writable, and
 also a location available in single user mode; and there are few
 pleasing solutions that meet that criteria; though less than perfect
 solutions exist.

I fail to see how root is different to any other random user in this
regard. If you want / to be read-only, then you should ensure that /home
points to something writable. The same thing holds for /root. You can
make /home and /root to be separate filesystems, or bind mounts or
symlinks pointing to a writable location. If you can handle /home today
then you can also handle /root exactly the same way.

No, /root cannot be a separate filesystem.
/root is part of very basic system, and it is required for super user
when he/she is restoring the systems or doing some kind of administration
(e.g. moving filesystems, etc.).
Now with live CDw this is less relevant then in the past.

OTOH usually sulogin will login (as super user) when / is still
read-only, so basic tools (in /bin and /sbin) should works also
on read-only /root.


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