Re: TaskSel proposal (Was: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business)
Le Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 04:05:38PM +0200, Frans Pop a écrit :
> On Thursday 19 April 2007 14:46, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > IMHO the best solution would be if tasksel would have a two level
> > selection:
> I doubt this is going to happen in the in tasksel. For one thing, its
> maintainer has quite strong feelings against it.
By the way, just a beginner comment: it may be helpful not to assume the
readers of -devel to know the Debian Who's Who by heart.
Taksel's maintainer is "Debian Install System Team", and it has two
uploaders, Randolph Chung and Joey Hess. Although I suspected that Joey
Hess was "The" maintainer, your mail made me wonder if you were meaning
something elese as "its maintainer" does not fit a team or two
uploaders, until Joey answered...
Have a nice day,
Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan
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