Re: TaskSel proposal (Was: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business)
Le Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 02:46:35PM +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Luis Matos wrote:
> >At least, we could preseed some options, (like debian-med) but that
> >wouldn't come in tasksel's options, like kde-desktop and xfce-desktop.
> IMHO the best solution would be if tasksel would have a two level
> selection:
> [x] Desktop environment
> [x] Gnome
> [ ] KDE
> [ ] XFCE
> [ ] SQL database
> [ ] MySQL
> [ ] PostgreSQL
> [ ] Laptop
> --- now comes the new part
> [ ] Custom Debian Distribution
> [ ] Debian-Edu
> [ ] Debian-Jr.
> [ ] Debian-Med
Hi all,
This brainstorming goes in many directions... Great !
I think that the idea of having a tree structure with grey areas is
quite interesting. First of all, many users will not see some gray
anyway, as they will install Debian from DVD, or from a CD, but with a
network connection available. For offline machines using CDs or (small)
USB sticks, some areas would be gray, most likely including the CDD part
if the install medium has not been customised.
The way I see the CDD task working would be to "understand" the
selection of the general tasks above. A Debian-Med install with a
"server" task would install a different subset of Debian-Med
metapackages as a "Desktop" one.
Now if I understand correctly, Debconf does not allow two-layer
structures... This is the kind of situation where voting in the BTS
would be cool. It would give to the debconf maintainers an estimate of
how wanted the feature is. Shall we submit a wishlist bug on tasksel,
blocked by a withlist but on debconf?
Have a nice day,
Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan
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