Re: TaskSel proposal (Was: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business)
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Joey Hess wrote:
I'm afraid that I can't seriously consider this kind of proposal unless
it shows indications of taking into account all the issues and design
goals listed in
The answer to question one is very compelling if you focus
your mind on Gnome or KDE or ... . IMHO it does not work if
you look at the SQL database task and
sed -e 's/Gnome/PostgreSQL/g' -e 's/KDE/MySQL'
in your answer. IMHO the answer covers only one of the
usual flame war roots and is not a general answer.
I also agree with the answer of question two. Unfortunately
question two is not a really good question. I don't know people
inside Debian who made an effort over years to optimise Debian
for tasks like geneological research / mushroom farming /
running a dog walking business / program development / playing pong.
If I look through the glasses of Joey NewDebianUser (yes, new
users are allowed to have the name Joey, DDs are not any more
because of several missunderstandings. ;-)) tasksel is the first
interface to the package pool of Debian. This is a very important
und very usefull view because it is short enough to read every
item and we have a good chance that every user is learning
from it. The next view is aptitude / synaptic / whatever.
To be successful with these tools you have to know what you
are looking for. You are not really able to detect something
that you do not know - which is the case for our friend Joey.
So my intention is to take Joeys hand and guide him into
those topics where people in Debian set a special focus on.
You might also name it "advertising effect of tasksel" where
we show what we have. I would hold a bet, that 95% of people
who never heard about Debian-Edu, Debian-Jr, Debian-Med before
they installed Debian will not know about it after the finished
their installation.
To question three: While this is more a rhetoric question I
think it perfectly expresses your will to not to change
tasksel. Well, it's your package and I have no problems to
accept your position. Because I know this position I saved my
time to report a bug and tried it via the list because I think
this is the right time to discuss whether the first grab a new
user has to Debian is designed the way we want. Please note:
I did not said that it is designed good or bad. For my personal
use it is completely useless, but this is no problem because
I'm happily running successful scenario 2. But I would like
to exchange some ideas whether we really think it fits for
most of our users.
Kind regards
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