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Re: Getting rid of circular dependencies, stage 5

This one time, at band camp, Andreas Barth said:
> Hi,
> * Ian Jackson (ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk) [060726 13:18]:
> > But, for example,  foo <-Depends-> foo-data  is not usually an example
> > of a silly dependency.
> Actually, there is no reason why foo-data needs foo configured before
> being configured, but there might be reason for the other direction.
> Why not inventing some new "Depends-for-being-useful" from foo-data to
> foo, and having Depends cycle-free?

Like, say, Enhances: ?

I always thought that basically meant "useless by myself, but is useful
for foo".  Pity it never got implemented into anything much.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran@debian.org |
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