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Re: Installation is FANTASTIC!!!

Am 2006-04-21 07:07:56, schrieb Andrew Donnellan:

> Babelfish says the other email was complaining that the resolution
> should be higher and criticising the installer for being 90s-era. If
> he wanted help he could have actually asked...at least some people
> like Barry appreciate how easy it actually is to install! (I've had to
> install DOS 6.22, Windows 3.11, Windows 95, 98, NT4 and XP before and
> I'm quite tired of it!)

Anne-Sophie, my youngest daughter (she is 6 this month) use Woody
since 2004 and she had trashed her workstation in January...  Since
her three older sisters (11, 15 and 17 years) are using Debian too,
Anne-Sophie had take over the Netinstall-CD of Sarge 3.1r1 and
installed a whole Debian-Workstation alone... 

OK, generaly using only the defaults, but she know how to set the
machine name and the domain name...

Oh, yes, her three older sisters went not at home (Internat) while
she was installing Sarge...  I was realy surprised as I was checking
the FileServer (nfs-mount) in Casablanca/Morocco for doing a backup
from Strasbourg/France, because I have created a Debian-Packages
which use "amanda" to backup the installed workstations and found a
new 400 MByte Tarball of the new installed workstation...


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