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Re: Incorrect use of "it's" in package control files -- file mass bug?

Christian Perrier dijo [Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 08:25:13AM +0200]:
> (some serious things at the end of this mail)

Finally some worthy stuff on the thread! :)

> (...)
> My opinion is that, if people from "Central America" feel they are not
> in North America neither in South America, then there are 3
> Americas...
> By the way, in Debian, there are 3 Americas plus Caribbean....this is
> the choice which was made for sorting countries in countrychooser, the
> package prompting for your country in Debian Installer. And now, I
> just realize that we put Mexico...in North America..:-)


> (North America in D-I includes Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, Saint-Pierre
> et Miquelon....and Mexico)

I don't know why Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and Puerto Rico are
considered North America, as they are clearly in the Caribbean (I
understand the geopolitical issues with Puerto Rico, yes, but that
does not make it geographically right ;-) )

> People from Mexico, do you think this is worth a change? I'm afraid
> noone noticed because this only shows when choosing "Other" at
> the first country prompt.

Mexicans will always tell you we are North Americans. It is the USA
people that think of North America as a synonim for Anglosaxon
America, and South America as a synonim for Latin America (although
that would leave Belize, Surinam and Guyana in a strange
limbo... Well, never mind, even we don't care about those countries
;-) ) Leave it at it is.

BTW, I must agree: Many Mexicans tend to choose USA as their country,
as we know they will find more and faster mirrors. Yes, _I_ use
http://nisamox.fciencias.unam.mx/debian in my sources.list ;-)


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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