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Re: The unofficial buildd effort and its shutdown - my POV

* Scott James Remnant (scott@netsplit.com) [040905 20:40]:
> On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 14:22 -0300, Stephen Cormier wrote:

> > You are correct I offer up my sincerest apology. My memory must be 
> > failing me it was Matthew Palmer and it was a truck. Still not 
> > impressive for someone with a @debian.org address.
> Ingo and Goswin, amongst others, have a long history of antagonising
> people with @debian.org addresses.  A lot of us have tried to work with
> them in the past and simply given up (cf. my demand that Goswin files
> bug reports or contacts me through a third party from now on).

Why do you flame here against them both here? How are they connected
to the above statement?

> Though they're both technically competent, they unfortunately aren't as
> skilled at interacting with other people.

Pot, kettle?

> Being able to work with
> others is a major part of working in Debian, and being a sufficiently
> amiable person that others feel they can work with you is just as
> important.

Fully agreed.

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