Re: Please stop the flamewar madeness.
On Sat, Sep 04, 2004 at 02:39:25PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > So true. Some people here choose a 'discussion style' that is very
> > insulting. Unless I know most people in private (which is completely
> > impossible in this list) I try to choose a tone that doesn't offend
> > anyone.
> Which is utterly impossible to do. Point in question: I find
> your patronizing style utterly offensive.
I didn't mean to patronize anyone.
> > Just that some people seem to think they are so long in the
> > project that they think they don't need to behave. Debian-devel is a
> > very bad figurehead for the project.
> Would you care to name names, little one?
Read the list. Be open minded. Try to read postings like you are new to
the project. I have had hours of talks to new maintainers on IRC who
felt driven away by some talks here. If people invest their spare-time
to improve such an interesting project like Debian the least they can
expect is a warmly welcome.
> This style of taking pot shots at a large fgroup of people, but hiding
> behind the shield of "I did not name names, so I can't possibly be
> insulting" is highly irritating and insulting.
Naming names hadn't improved anything IMHO. As I said I expect the
flamers to not understand their problem. Just a little more respect and
politeness would help the situation. If you don't believe that such
people exist you are definitely on the dark side.
In fact I directed my posting to the people who feel drowned by elitist
behavior and let them know that they are not alone.
There are people on the project I hardly know and who do very important
parts of the project. On the other hand there are people (no names) who
just talk and do nothing but have a fancy address. If you
knew me you'd know how much time I invest into the project.
> > I just doubt this thread will change anything. Some folks are so
> > pigheaded that they don't even understand what we are talking about.
> Living up on a high horse and callig people who do may happen
> to to understand whatthe hell you are talking about under all these
> circumlocutions and indirections "pigheaded" is trolling, and
> probably flaming.
Hear, hear. :)
> I find this vague rants where the ranter is too cowardly to actually
> name the names they are ranting against highly irritating. And yes, I
> do mean you, Mr. Haas.
I knew you were primarily talking to me. And I doubt a lot that you
would dare talk to me like that in person. I'd be disappointed if you
Another poor posting displaying useless hostility. Just that I'm far too
long on the net to feel annoyed by it.
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