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Re: spam closes Debian bugs!

Andreas Metzler <ametzler@downhill.at.eu.org> wrote:

> Mathieu Roy <yeupou@gnu.org> wrote:
>> It already happened that a bug report was closed by a spam. 

You don't maintain a package with many open bugreports, lucky you, if
you believe it "already happened" to _one_ bug...

> So the
>> problem does exists, you cant deny it. What you can say it that you are
>> questioning the importance of the issue. 
> Not the importance but the extent, and I claim that one bug being
> closed by spam is no problem.

Especially given that the bug[1] was against a package with a list of
maintainers - I am rather astonished that it wasn't reopened multiple

If a package maintainer doesn't notice that the status (closing, tags,
upstream, whatever) of his or her bugs has been changed by spam, he/she
should really consider orphaning the package.

Regards, Frank

[1] if I remember the number correctly, and it wasn't two bugs this
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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